Remote Metering Software
- Direct IP Addressing support
- Support for MPP56KN Secure Modem
- Enhanced Data Collection retry for noisy environments
- Retrieve data from KEP fl ow computers using direct wire, modem or network IP connection.
- Collects data from the following Kessler-Ellis Products flow computer instruments: SUPERTROL I, SUPERtrol II, ES-747, LEVELTROL II, MASSTROL, DPFC
- Runs on: Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, Win 2000, Win XP and higher
- Works with most Hayes compatible modems for remote data collection.
- Handles a mix of instruments, they don’t have to be the same type.
- Select the data items to acquire by simple check boxes for each instrument.
- Manual and automatic data collection modes.
- Can automatically collect data from 1 to 100’s of instruments.
- Automatic data collection by Time and Date.
- Automatic Telephone busy retries.
- Collected data can go to screen, text fi les and Excel spread sheets.
- Each instrument can have data directed to separate or common named files.
- Can write log fi les showing data collection session details and connection failures due to busy or no answers.
- Collects data from items that are displayable on instrument displays.
- Collects data from SUPERtrol and LEVELtrol II dataloggers.
- Automatic Peak Demand reset capability possible when using routes.
- Each instrument can be assigned a route number to write special messages during data collection to data file.
TrolLink can connect to flow computers using local serial ports, modems and the Internet
KEP Flow Computers Supported:
Supertrol 2 - Flow Computer
Supertrol 1 - Flow Totalizer, Ratemeter & Batch Controller
ES 747 - Flow Computer for Liquid and Gas Applications
Leveltrol 2 - Level Indicator
Masstrol - Mass Flow Computer
DPFC - Differential Pressure Flow Computer
TROLlink | Remote Metering Software |